MacKenzie Donald . Harrier! . Granada. 1983 160s.
Description: Into the turbulent Central American republic of Delmira goes journalist John Wolfe. His mission: to find out what a Squadron of RAF Harrier jump jets is doing in this politically sensitive area 18 months after Delmira has been granted independence. But he is not the only person interested in the activities and whereabouts of these now legendary aircraft. Los Enfadados, the Cuban backed revolutionaries who are stirring up trouble in the neighboring country of El Libertador, are just as anxious to locate them but for a very different reason.
Status: Задовільний. Пожовклий папір, заломи на палітурці
Thomas Craig . Firefox Down . London: 1984 342s.
Description: The sequel to Firefox. After a forced landing, the hijacked Firefox lies entombed in a frozen lake 20 miles from the Norwegian frontier. Its pilot, Mitchell Gant, is running for his life from the tracker dogs and helicopter patrols of the KGB border guard.
Status: Заломи на палітурці, надірвана суперобкладинка. Сторінки у відмінному стані.