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Romance novels and works of other genres of love

(Collection material is shown of user NestAllex)

Das Decameron

Price 10 000,00 hrn.


(Seller: NestAllex)

Price 10 000,00 hrn.


Boccaccio. (Boccacio) Das Decameron. (Decameron) München: Algemeine Vergantsanstalt . 1924 893s.

Description: Dort Exlibris.Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile.Das Buch ist mit Stichen illustriert. Illustratoren:Tony Johannot,Nanteuil,Grandville.There are ex-libris. Book is divided into three parts. The book is illustrated with engravings. Illustrators: Tony Johannot, Nanteuil, Grandville.

Status: Super. Super.

Description of seller: Buch ist die einzige Instanz. Book is the only instance.